Marco & Tricia Paulichen

Country or Ministry:
On Furlough

Marco was born in Calgary, Alberta, to South American parents who took him to church regularly. He trusted Christ as his Saviour with his Sunday school teacher at an early age, and surrendered to preach in 2002. Marco completed his Bachelor of Theology degree in missions at Canadian Baptist Bible College and his Masters of Ministry from The Crown College. Spanish is his first language. 

Tricia was born in the Greater Toronto area in Ontario. Her family never went to church; however, as an adult, a street preacher gave her a Gospel tract which started her seeking after God. Eight months later, in 1998, she was ready to accept Christ. Marco led her to the Lord, and they were married the following year. 

The Paulichen family felt the Lord calling them into missions, so they travelled to the Southern Cone of South America for a two-month survey trip in 2009. It was during that trip that the Lord confirmed in their hearts the call to serve there. In 2012, Marco quit his corporate job, and the family moved across the country to attend Bible college. 

In 2016, four days after graduation, the Paulichens went to Uruguay for another one-month survey trip. It was during this time that they met a small group of believers who had been praying for 20 years that the Lord would send a Baptist pastor to start a church in their city. Feeling like they had received a Macedonian call, the Paulichen family returned to Canada and began deputation. They were ordained to the work of the Gospel by their home church in 2018 and left for the field shortly thereafter. 

The Paulichens are pioneer church planters currently serving in the northern Uruguayan city of Salto. Their first church plant was started in various homes in 2018 and is now meeting in a rented building. They regularly prepare and hand out Gospel literature, evangelize in open-air markets and have a daily radio program on a local station. Uruguayans are being trained in the work of the ministry through personal Bible and discipleship studies, as well as Bible institute. Marco also teaches Spanish Bible college courses online. 

Marco and Tricia have two grown children, Josh and Josephine, who served with them in Uruguay until 2023. 


Heaven, How do I get there? 

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."—John 14:6